Tuesday 22 May 2012

Lesson 6:  I'm with the Bandh

The past two weeks have seen a number of national bandhs (strikes).  During these bandhs, mobs roam the streets, or gather in a specific area to ensure businesses remain closed and roads remain clear, which has meant that our school has had to close on Thursday and Friday of the previous two weeks.  We are also likely to be closed the whole of this week.  However it also means the air's alot cleaner.

The clean streets of Kathmandu

These bandhs have been declared to make demands on the politicians during the constitution writing process.  As the constitution is set to be complete by the 27th May, leaving less than 1 week; it is expected that bandhs will be declared for each day from now on and possibly beyond the deadline, there has even been talk of an enforced curfew.

The main discussion point these bandhs have been called for is whether the federal regions which Nepal will be split into, should be defined by the ethnic castes that are local to those regions (ie Gurkha, Sherpa, etc).  Two weeks ago it was agreed in parliament that this should be the case, however this seemed to worry the Hindi (non-ethnic) castes.

Thamel - the tourist centre during bandh

The ethnic castes have always been viewed as second rate in the caste system, although not at the bottom, as this is reserved for Dalits (untouchables) and a couple of other castes.  In contrast the Brahmin (priest caste) and Chetri (political/military caste) have always lorded it over all others.  Therefore, when this decision was reached the Brahmin and Chetris called on other Hindi castes (including the Dalits) and declared Bandhs on the Thursday and Friday of two consecutive weeks, to demand that they are recognised as ethnic castes.

Whilst Bandhs can be very damaging and effect the people more than the government, they are an effective form of protest and therefore I generally support them.  However, I could not find reason to support the idea that the Hindi castes should be listed as ethnic castes, simply because the Brahmins were scared of loosing some of their privilages.  Unfortunately most of the ministers in office are either Brahmin or Chetri and unsurprisingly gave into this movement.  They were not stupid enough to claim Hindi castes were ethnic, but they shelved the idea of giving Nepals new regions an identity based on the ethnic groups that stem from those areas.

  Kids make a game out of blockading the roads

This in turn has angered the Ethnic castes, who since Sunday have run a Bandh demanding the original state model is kept to, as they have been promised this for so long (A demand which the Maoists agree with).  This has caused a stalemate situation in the constitution writing and is likely to prevent it from being completed, so this situation may continue for sometime.

The Hindi caste Bandhs involved large mobs roaming the streets and attacking any businesses they found to be open, I even witnessed them stealing the stock from a street vender, who was merely selling water, which is a pretty important service to keep running here (however, none of their violence seems to have been reported).  In contrast to this; the Ethnic caste bandhs have involved gatherings at important intersections with just a few mobs roaming, this is partially due to the fact most traders seem to support them and remain closed even if no bandh supporters are in sight. However, on Sunday it was reported that one group had stopped an ambulance from passing and a number of groups had blocked and even attacked journalists, also 50 vehicles were set alight across the country that day.

Damaged vehicles held in local police yard

Despite the violence on the first day, this bandh has allowed rubbish collection, water transportation and distribution to continue, pharmacies are allowed to run and with the exception of the one incident; ambulances have been let through the blockades.  The bandh mobs have even transported pottable water to areas where they have held the bandhs, distributing it freely to locals.

Water distribution at Swayanbu

However, today saw the end of that 3 day Bandh, but also saw the first day of another 3 day bandh from different group (as yet I dont know what their demands are).  This group blocked the intersection of the ring road close to where I am staying and I went to see what they were doing, they had a stage set up and had a series of speakers addressing the crowd.  I do not know much Nepali, but could make out a few words, especially one, which one speaker must have said about 20 or so times... Andolan (= War).

Sorry for the lecture, but hey...  I am a teacher.

Monday 7 May 2012

Lesson 5:  ABC's (getting started)

Things have picked up after a somewhat slow start, due to their hestitance to talk with one another in pairs, groups or simply as a class to me; I asked my first class what it was they most wanted to practice, of course their reply was 'speaking'.  At the start of my second week I broke this pattern, by getting them to 'role-play' a little.  Most had not fully understood the task and over the weekend whilst they were meant to put together a character for them to pretend being, many just wrote down details of themselves.  However, whilst everyone enjoyed it; Choe (the Korean) who has been up until now my quitest student, seemed to really get into it.

As the others started asking him questions, he spontaneously made more and more details up about his character, yet the rest of the class thought he was just talking about himself, as many of them were.  They were quite shocked to hear that 20 year old choe had a beautifull wife and 2 school age children.  Its probably a case that you had to be there to appreciiate it, but it was very funny when he realised what was happening and had to point out that this was all make believe.

I am currently teaching 3 classes, however I am only standing in for one of those, and will most likely loose that after Wednesday.  3 lessons is really all I need to maintain my living out here, and it really does seem like it would be easy to live here if I were working fulltime.

Since I last blogged I have seen through International Workers Day and Buddha's Birthday.  Each of which are a little different I guess, however they do both involve a lot of flags.

Personnaly I prefered the first of the two, not only cause it meant marching through the streets amongst a bunch of people who want to improve the social situation here, but also because it did not turn the quiet little area that I have settled in; into some manic,crowded hell hole, just like Thamel the tourist centre.  How dare these day tripper Nepalese interupt my solitude by the monkey temple, they even scared off all the monkeys for the day, although I like to think that the monkeys merely went to their neighbourhoods and raided any food they could find through any open windows.  Like the communists here, they are more organised than you would think....

(The Unified Monkey Leninists [UML] sit down to discuss agitation tactics).